Observability Digest #0020: The Cost Conundrum and Tech Leaders' Spending Spree

From Spring Boot 3.3's performance and security enhancements to the rising costs of observability

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Observing Mondays: Conquering the Week, One Log at a Time🪵🪵

ObserCrew, Welcome back to another edition of the Observability Digest. Last week, we explored the world of AI-powered Observability and some cutting-edge monitoring tools. This week, we're diving into the latest releases, market moves, and expert insights to help you start your week.

From Spring Boot 3.3's performance and security enhancements to the rising costs of Observability, we've got a fresh batch of insights to keep you in the loop. Plus, don't miss our expert voices section, where Dale Frohman shares a surprising lesson about the importance of SLO from his leaky water softener.

So grab your favourite morning beverage, and let's dive in!

This week, we've got a fresh batch of insights to keep you in the loop,

🔐 Elastic's IRAP Assessment: Securing Aussie Gov & Enterprise Observability
💰 Checkly's $20M Series B: Synthetic Monitoring Game-Changer?
🔍 More from the “Beyond the Numbers Blog Series” and
💡 Dale Frohman's Leaky Water Softener: A Lesson in SLO Importance

A Week in Observability
and Tech Resilience


BMC's bringing generative AI to the mainframe party! Their new tool, AMI DevX Code Insights, aims to simplify debugging and decision-making with a chat interface. It's part of a broader push to make mainframes more accessible. I'm curious how this pans out - could AI be the key to modernising these legacy systems?


What’s Elastic up to with its security measures? Elastic is gearing up for an IRAP assessment at the Protected Level, a big deal for Australian government clients and other security-focused organisations. They’re partnering with CyberCX for the audit, which should bolster their compliance portfolio. It’s a significant step, but let’s see if it translates to broader market trust.

  1. It looks like Dynatrace is celebrating its 5th IPO anniversary in style! They've seen impressive growth, with 3,300+ customers and $1.1B in revenue. CEO Rick McConnell attributes their success to a focus on innovation and customer-centricity. With the demand for Observability on the rise, I bet they've got even bigger plans for the future.

  2. Speaking of big plans, Checkly just nabbed a cool $20M in Series B funding for its synthetic monitoring platform. They're touting cost savings and faster issue resolution as key benefits. With big names like Autodesk and 1Password on board, it looks like they're onto something. I'm intrigued by their Playwright-based scripting approach. Could this be a game-changer for dev teams?

  1. Datadog's Service Catalog schema v3.0 is here, and it's all about flexibility. With new entity types, relationship mapping, and inheritance features, teams can model their software environments in a way that makes sense for them. I'm digging the multi-ownership support - it's about time we acknowledged the complex realities of modern architecture!

  2. Spring Boot 3.3 has been patched with performance, security, and Observability improvements. The Class Data Sharing feature for faster startup and reduced memory usage is particularly exciting. I'm also loving the enhanced security with JWT authentication auto-configuration. Keep an eye on this release!

  1. A recent survey found that software deployment is outpacing security - yikes! Only about a third of security folks have shifted left or provided training to developers. The good news? Many plan to start this year. AI could play a significant role here in explaining vulnerabilities and improving code. What do you all think?

  2. Similarly, real-time monitoring is crucial for staying ahead of security threats, but choosing the right tools can be tricky. This article makes a compelling case for vendor-neutral solutions that offer flexibility and avoid vendor lock-in. It's food for thought as you evolve your security posture. What's your take on the vendor-neutral approach?

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Looking to enhance your Observability strategies? Check out this insightful article by Ted Gooch on leveraging time series databases for cutting-edge analytics. Siddharth breaks down the core features and advantages of TSDBs and shares practical use cases across various industries. A must-read for anyone looking to level up their Observability game!


A Framework for Optimizing Observability Spend: Cutting Costs Without Losing Sight

In the second instalment of our "Beyond the Numbers" blog series, we tackled optimising Observability spending without compromising value. The article presents a practical framework for cutting costs while keeping your Observability goals in sight. We broke it down into three main themes:

  • Aligning Observability investments with business objectives

  • Identifying and eliminating redundant or low-value data collection

  • Leveraging automation and AI to streamline Observability processes

Head to www.masteringobservability.com and subscribe for free to have our latest articles and weekly newsletter delivered straight to your inbox. Don't miss out on these valuable insights!

  1. Dale Frohman is back with another gem on LinkedIn. This time, he shares how a leaky water softener taught him the importance of SLOs. It's a great reminder that Observability lessons can come from unexpected places. Dale's got a knack for making complex topics relatable - worth a follow!

  2. John Hayes from Observability 360 has a fantastic new article on "The Art of Observability." He argues that Observability is more than just a technical necessity - it's a strategic advantage that can help organisations deliver better customer experiences. I couldn't agree more!

  1. According to a recent Forrester report, over 90% of tech leaders plan to increase their spending in 2025. That's a staggering number, but it's not surprising given the rapid pace of digital transformation. The question is, how will they allocate those budgets? Will Observability be a top priority?

  2. Meanwhile, a new report suggests that tech leaders struggle to find and retain AI talent amid strong digital ambitions. It reminds us that technology is only part of the equation. We also need the right people and skills to make it all work.


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The University of Oxford is using Honeycomb to monitor its COVID-19 research platform. By leveraging Observability, they've ensured the stability and performance of this critical system. This is a powerful example of how Observability can make a real-world impact beyond IT. Kudos to the Oxford team for their innovative approach!

That's all for this week, folks. As always, please reply and share your thoughts on these topics. If you haven't already done so, subscribe to masteringobservability.com for more Observability goodness delivered to your inbox.

Until next time, happy observing!

Much 😍,


If you have any thoughts, questions, or content, contact me on LinkedIn or Twitter. I'm all ears if you'd like to have a virtual coffee with me!

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