Observability Digest #0023: OaaS Takes Center Stage, Resilience Tips

Discover the power of Observability as a Service, get expert tips on tech resilience, and stay updated on the latest industry news.

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Welcome Back!

ObserCrew,🙌 Last week, we explored the power of open-source tools and the future of AI in Observability. This week, we're diving into the exciting world of Observability-as-a-Service (OaaS) and how it's revolutionising the way we manage our systems. I also brushed up on my knowledge of context propagation a crucial concept for understanding how data flows through our applications. So, let's jump in and see what's new in the world of Observability!

A Week in Observability
and Tech Resilience

A spotlight shining on a magnifying glass focusing on data points, representing in-depth analysis.

Ever wondered how Observability as a Service could reshape the industry? A few years back, I chatted with peers about this concept. While I struggled to articulate my thoughts, my colleagues envisioned a managed service model. Fast forward to today, and we're seeing granular services that let clients pay for what they use. This article on open-source promises to cut costs with Observability in the cloud. It's amasing how far we've come in five years, and it makes me optimistic about the future of tailored Observability solutions.. Check out this article for more

A digital news feed with scrolling headlines and graphs, representing the latest market news.

We like to keep our eyes on the market and this article's has got some interesting picks on Observability tech stocks, some of which we have been following already on the digest but what are the others?

Grafana Labs also hit the jackpot this week as they've secured a whopping $270 million to beef up their AI and ML capabilities. That's no small change! I'm curious to see how they'll use this funding. Could this be the start of a new era in Observability? Or is it just another case of AI hype? What's your take?

A shield icon with a padlock integrated into data streams, symbolizing security in observability

This week if found this peice on how Observability is driving security and AI in manufacturing? It's pretty eye-opening. They're talking about how Observability tools are helping manufacturers spot potential security issues before they become big problems. And get this - they're using AI to predict when machines might fail!, now thats the shape of things to come,


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A figure ascending a staircase or an arrow pointing upwards, symbolizing growth and advancement

CPU Manager's Static Policy: Distributing CPU Across Cores in Kubernetes: This Kubernetes blog post dives into the nitty-gritty of CPU management. If you're looking to optimise your cluster's performance, understanding how the CPU Manager's static policy works is key.

A group of connected icons forming a network, symbolizing community-driven articles and collaboration

Leveraging Open Source for Cost-Efficient Observability is part four our my five part cost series. In this part I explore how open-source tools can help organisations achieve cost effective Observability. And while I address the misconseption that open source doesn't mean free i talk about how it can provide more feature flexibility and control over costs in the long term. Don't miss out on this insightful piece and the last part cominng soon. Subscribe to the website for free and get articles delivered straight to your inbox!

A microphone icon surrounded by sound waves, symbolizing expert opinions and voices in the field of observability.

Three Considerations for Building an Effective Tech Resiliency Program: Sai Mandapaty, a Senior Engineering Manager at McDonald's, shares valuable advice on building a resilient tech stack. With over a decade of experience in software engineering and leadership, Sai's insights are a must-read for anyone looking to strengthen their organisation's tech resilience.


How Tech Leaders Can Foster a Culture of Practical Innovation: This Forbes Tech Council article offers practical tips for tech leaders looking to cultivate innovation within their teams. From encouraging experimentation to celebrating failures, these insights can help you create a thriving, innovative workplace.

Dilbert on Ob

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Next week, I'll be bringing everything together in the fourth and final part of my cost series. It's been an incredible journey exploring the various aspects of cost optimisation in Osservability. Once this series wraps up, I'll be diving headfirst into finishing my book in September and October. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

happy Observing!

Much 😍,


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