Interview #001: Mastering Observability with Sunny Mattu

Leading Change in IT through Enhanced Observability Practices

In a recent in-depth discussion with Sunny Mattu from Capgemini, we delved into the transformative landscape of observability within enterprise IT environments. With his unique insights and pivotal role on the Business Outcomes and Monitoring Solutions team, Sunny has been instrumental in advancing observability beyond mere tool utilisation to a strategic, value-driven practice.

Evolving Monitoring into Advanced Observability

Sunny shared his journey from utilising foundational monitoring tools to sophisticated Application Performance Management (APM) systems like Dynatrace and AppDynamics. He emphasised the common challenge among clients: possessing advanced tools but needing more strategic insight to use them effectively. Our shared passion is to bridge this gap between tool capability and practical application through education and actionable insights.

Strategic Community Building:

A key focus of our conversation was Sunny’s initiative to cultivate a dynamic observability community within Capgemini. While this community aims to educate on the principles of observability independently of vendor influence, it will also integrate vendor-specific news, content, and training as part of its strategy. This balanced approach ensures that while the community is well-versed in the fundamental concepts of observability, it also recognizes and utilizes the specific tools and solutions implemented by clients. Join us to explore a comprehensive understanding of observability that supports both vendor-neutral education and practical, vendor-specific applications.

Addressing Implementation Pitfalls:

We delved into the pitfalls organisations often encounter in their observability journeys, such as data overload and the marginalisation of observability as an afterthought in the development lifecycle. I shared insights on integrating observability more effectively into business processes, emphasising the importance of strategic planning over mere tool deployment.

Vendor Neutrality and Open Education

A significant topic of our dialogue was maintaining a balanced perspective on vendor neutrality in observability practices. Sunny acknowledged the importance of vendor-neutral content for fostering a broad understanding of observability principles. However, he also emphasized his commitment to promoting vendor-specific news and training, reflecting the practical realities of client strategies and tool deployments. This dual approach enriches the community's expertise, ensuring they grasp both the foundational principles and the specific applications of observability tools in use.


The journey from monitoring to observability: Sunny shares his experience working with different monitoring tools and the shift towards focusing on observability.

The challenge of finding agnostic information: Sunny and Allan discuss the difficulty of finding practical and vendor-neutral resources about observability.

Shifting mindset and fostering collaboration: They emphasize the importance of changing the mindset around observability and promoting cooperation between different teams and stakeholders.

Showcasing the value of observability: Allan suggests showcasing the value of observability by focusing on specific transactions and involving business stakeholders.

The need for a community-driven approach: Sunny and Allan discuss the importance of creating a community around observability to educate and create consensus. Understanding the needs of different personas is crucial in implementing observability.

Using multiple tools can lead to limitations and a lack of a holistic view.

Dashboards serve a purpose but should not be the sole focus of observability.

Education and mindset shifts are necessary to utilize observability tools effectively.

Collaboration and sharing of knowledge can lead to better implementation of observability.

Agreed-Upon Next Steps:

We concluded our conversation with a commitment to collaborate on several initiatives:

Co-hosting Educational Workshops: We plan to develop and deliver workshops addressing fundamental and advanced observability concepts.

Content Creation: We will co-author articles and guides to enrich the community's knowledge base on observability.

Regular Strategy Sessions: We agreed to hold regular sessions to refine our strategies and ensure our actions align with the evolving needs of the observability community.

What Allan Learned and Tips Shared

From our exchange, I gained valuable perspectives on the challenges of implementing observability across different organisational cultures and infrastructures. The tips I shared on integrating observability into a business strategy rather than as a standalone technical solution resonated with Sunny, providing him with actionable strategies to enhance Capgemini’s client engagements.

For you, the reader

We are excited about the potential of our collaboration to inspire and educate. To all professionals interested in observability, your contribution is vital.

Join us in this journey. Engage with us on the Mastering Observability website and LinkedIn page, contribute to the conversation, and help us shape a community where learning and practical application of observability drive tangible business outcomes. Your insights and experiences are what make our community thrive.


Our conversation was more than an exchange of ideas; it was a convergence of visions to fundamentally enhance how organisations perceive and implement observability. As we progress, our collaborative efforts will focus on building a robust educational framework that supports continuous growth and strategy.

Disclamer: The views expressed in this article are solely those of Sunny Mattu and do not reflect the official stance of Capgemini or its affiliates. This content is based on personal insights and is for informational purposes only.


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